CGI C++ Variable Wrapper: DocumentationC++ CGI Wrapper Documentation --
* REFERENCE: Wrapper Software Reference *
The actual data is stored as a linked list of CGI_Variable class nodes. The actual definition of this class and it's members etc is not of important to the user generally. If you wish to use it directly I would encourage you to have a look at the source code.
The user-interface class is CGI_Interface and it is defined with the following public members and methods:
class CGI_Interface
bool PrintError; char NullString[LENMAX_VAR_NULLSTRING]; bool ReturnValidPointer;
CGI_Interface(bool pError=false); int AutoLoad(void); int CookieLoad(void); void PrintDump(void); int StringLoad(const char *input); char* Fetch(const char *name, bool UseReturnValidPointer); int Set(const char *name, const char *value); int HiddenDump(void); int GetDump(void); ~CGI_Interface();
The PrintError flag determines if a routine (such as AutoLoad for example) should print textual error output to the screen as well as returning it's error value. This can be useful for debugging when you are not bothing to test the return values of methods.
The ReturnValidPointer flag and the associated char array NullString are included as of version 2.5 and address a niggle of having to check a Fetch() result against 0 before entering a string based evaluation.
With ReturnValidPointer set (it is not by default), a pointer to NullString will be returned if Fetch fails to find a matching variable. You can differentiate between a found and null-length variable and an unfound variable by comparing the pointer returned by Fetch and NullString. Alternatively you may like to set NullString to a meaningful value. It defaults to the size set by LENMAX_VAR_NULLSTRING (2 as shipped) and the constructor fills the string with zeros.
Fetch also takes a bool UseReturnValidPointer which is a default parameter set to true. Passing false will override the ReturnValidPointer flag and always return 0 if the variable is not found.
Each method and it's uses are detailed as follows:
CGI_Interface(bool pError=false);
The default constructor. Do NOT call this function directly. It will be used by the new operator, and a wrapper should be initialisd with a call such as: CGI_Wrapper *cgi=new CGI_Wrapper(ERROR_VALUE) where ERROR_VALUE is a boolean variable to set the initial value of the PrintError flag. This is not a necessary argument and will default to false.
int AutoLoad(void);
The AutoLoad method is the normal method used to load data into the list. AutoLoad will first of all determine the method with which the CGI is called (GET or POST) then act appropriately. POST data is read into a buffer from stdin (as of version 1.01 limited to 32k) with this data being gained from QUERY_STRING for a GET. Once it has filled the input buffer from the relevant source, StringLoad is called for this input. AutoLoad returns the value returned from StringLoad namely a -1 for an error or the number of variables found and added to the list. AutoLoad will return a -1 before calling StringLoad if it is unable to determine the method used. With the PrintError flag set a textual description of the error will be output for debugging purposes.
int CookieLoad(void)
The CookieLoad method loads variables into the list from the HTTP_COOKIE environment variable (if it exists). These will be decoded as normal and appended/replaced into the list. The return integer is the number of variables found and loaded in the HTTP_COOKIE variable.
void PrintDump(void);
PrintDump will (regardless of the PrintError flag) output a full list of all the variable names and values stored in it's list. This method is provided for debug purposes primarily.
int StringLoad(const char *input);
The StringLoad method parses a URLEncoded string for variables and values. Very basically it parses from start to finish building the variable name, finding an equal, building the variable value and then finding an ampersand where it adds the values to the list and starts again or EOL upon which it finishes. StringLoad returns a -1 on error (text is output if the PrintError flag is set) or the number of variables found and added to the list (0 would mean a valid string etc but no content found). This function also handles URL decoding and CAN ONLY deal with URL encoded strings. If a 'normal' string is parsed and a percent, ampersand or equals is found in the normal text things will go horribly wrong.
char* Fetch(const char *name, bool UseReturnValidPointer);
The Fetch method is called by passing the case sensitive name of the variable. If the variable is found in the list a char* pointer to the contents is returned (see below). When the variable is not in the list the return behaviour is controlled by use of the ReturnValidPointer flag in the CGI_Interface class. If this flag is set (it is false by default) then Fetch will return a pointer to the char array NullString which (as mentioned above) is filled with 0's. You can then operate on this string or check its pointer against NullString's. When this flag is not set an empty string being returned by Fetch means the varible does exist in the list but has the null string as a value.
You can override the operation of ReturnValidPointer by passing false as the UseReturnValidPointer parameter (this defaults to true and is optional). If UseReturnValidPointer is false then Fetch will return the variable contents or a 0 as if ReturnValidPointer was itself false.
Please note that the pointer returned is the actual pointer to the char array in the linked list containing the variable value. This is probably not too safe but make's life a bit easier. You should never really change the content of this pointer as things can go badly wrong - use the Set method instead.
int Set(const char *name, const char *value);
Does what it says on the tin - sets a variable with the value. Please remember that the variable name is case sensitive. If the variable exists then it is updated and if not, created and added to the list. Currently the function returns just a 1 upon success (and it won't fail as it doesn't test anything). I think the idea of returning an integer was to be able to show if the result was an updated variable or a totally new one but this wasn't actually implemented.
int HiddenDump(void);
This function is designed to be used with a form to persist the data as <input type=hidden> fields. When invoked it will output to stdout a complete list of all variables and values. The output is not URL encoded but is parsed for quotation marks which are replaced with the %22 code. Use of this feature would involve your code outputting a <form> tag before calling this, along side any other inputs your wish and then a </form> tag. The method returns the number of variables found in the list and outputted to stdout.
int GetDump(void);
This method outputs a list of variable names and values in URL format (please note only the value is URL Encoded as all variable names must be URL-safe). This will output to stdout a list of the form: VarOneName=Var+One+Content&VarTwoName=Var+Two+Content Suitable for use in, for example, an a href statement or for direct GET input. Although this function can be used with a form with a get or post method as part of the action to persist data, it is suggested you use the HiddenDump() method for this.
The destructor. It is always important to properly destroy the CGI_Interface instantiation to delete all the nodes of the linked list and avoid memory leakage problems. Do not call this directly, rather use the C++ delete instruction with a line such as: delete i;
Versions 2.06 and later support rudimentary cookies. Cookies are set using the SetCookie global function (from the cookie.h include file). Cookies are loaded into the list using the CookieLoad method. Please see the COOKIE document for more information.
If something is not covered in the reference and you would like it added please visit the website for contact information and request it.
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