12/02/2009: Mailing List 12/02/2009


Just a quick note to say that the ropey support and release schedule is liable to get a bit more ropey in the near future.

On a whim I'm off on the 7th of March to Opuwo in northern Namibia for two years with Voluntary Service Overseas. For non-UK people VSO are a charity who send people out to far-flung corners of the world to share skills. In my case this will consist of sharing my poor IT skills with the Ministry of Health and Social Services. Open source and shady LAMP software here we come!

Hopefully I'll be able to get broadbanded up and be back developing FreeNATS within a month or so but theoretically it could be dial-up (or no) link for two years. So... if I seem to ignore any posts or emails then I'm not being rude, just on extended safari.

In other news... most excellent long-term friend of FreeNATS Ole Stanstrup has been in touch. He's given up his day job and setup in business providing IT support. He's based in Denmark though I would imagine can offer excellent remote assistance worldwide.

So for all your IT needs check out his site at http://www.osdata.dk

Good luck Ole - we wish you well with your new venture.

Features? Bugs? Queries? Get them in quick before the 7th of March to ensure a reply. As always I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Kind Regards,


Forum: http://forum.purplepixie.org

Web: http://www.purplepixie.org/freenats/

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