Dear FreeNATTERs,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a good festive season and have eaten and made merry.
* New Features *
A variety of new features have been integrated into the alpha release over the last few months including things like Utility Links and the Extras package.
These should be rolled up into a beta/stable release in the next week or so (assuming no more bug reports come in).
Most of these features are entirely user-suggested and driven so you only have yourselves to thank. Any more suggestions or ideas are always welcome.
* rPath Bug *
A bug has been confirmed in the rPath virtual appliance which causes wget and the command-line PHP to be removed when you do an update through the rPath interface.
Users are asked to hold off updates until a solution is found. If you have done the update you may notice that you cannot update your system and also the tests are never actually run. Contact support for a fix.
* Millionth Auto Feedback *
On the 2nd of January at 20:01:43 GMT the millionth piece of automated feedback was logged for FreeNATS.
Some information for nerds like me:
First piece logged was on 17th March 2008 at 15:13:19 GMT so the 1,000,000th piece arrived just 656 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes and 24 second later.
The feedback comes from 2197 distinct hosts covering a minimum of 84 countries.
The highest individual day was the 21st of July 2008 with 6,777 coming in (around this time steps were taken to limit the volume).
In the 7 days up to the 1,000,000th piece of feedback amongst other hosts was one in Brazil that was first logged 558 days previously.
Thank you to all the users who have participated in this program which provides a useful insight into how the product is used and which versions are deployed.
As always please let me know any comments/bugs/suggestions you have through the links below.
FreeNATS Home:
Support Forum:
Feedback Link:
My VSO Blog:
Stable Rollup and nslast Bug
Six years (!!!) since the last stable release a ro...
MySQLi Migration
Following a bug report and request from a user all...
FreeNATS on Github
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Docker Container Trial
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New Trial Virtual Appliance
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Purplepixie on Facebook
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Service Desk from PurplePixie
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Smallest NMS in the World
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Forum Registrations Blocked
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Russian and Italian Language Packs
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