Dear FreeNATTER,
Thank you for registering on the FreeNATS mailing list. I hope you are finding the system useful.
April has been a busy month of bug fixes and minor updates and one major release...
The new virtual appliance (3a) is now available. It has a disk growable to 4Gb and all unnecessary devices such as sound removed. As well as incorporating the latest FreeNATS version (0.02.51a) and various OS updates this image is also capable of self-updating (via the /root/freenats/upgrade script). The documentation has been updated to reflect this and is now available.
If anyone out there really wants to keep running their 2a image/config (and has grown the disk themselves) then get in touch via the feedback link on the website and I'll send you out the upgrade script to manually install.
Unfortunately various bug fixes and other things have delayed views being implemented and the number of users running out of disk space in 2a forced an early release of the new appliance so views are not in 3a as was promised :o(
I am pushing on with views though and should have something available in the next couple of weeks.
For top nerd-points you can set the variable dev.views to 1 and see a view dialogue on the main page. Of course it doesn't do anything yet and so is totally useless.
I would like to publicly thank Ole Stanstrup and Terry McDonald for their most excellent help and support in finding, tracking down and fixing various bugs.
Thanks also to all the other users who have submitted bugs, suggestions, made offers to test bugs or just submitted feedback. It's really good to know the system is being used and feedback so far has been generally positive.
In the Month of April the FreeNATS website received hits from 74 different countries. 38% of visitors were referred from the VMWare appliance directory.
Thanks again for joining the mailing list and using the system. If you have any feedback, suggestions, bugs or quibbles please get in touch via the feedback link on the website.
Kind Regards,
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