Dear FreeNATTER,
Thank you for joining the FreeNATS mailing list, I hope you are finding the system useful. As always I welcome your feedback and suggestions via the FreeNATS website. Thanks to all the users who have been in touch with comments.
I have recently received a report about false alerts being generated and with the generous help of some other users and checking my own logs found that there may well be a problem.
Having conducted a range of tests I am yet to reach a firm conclusion. For any bored tecchies I have included a link below to some information on the problem and what my research has found.
As a hopeful solution at least in part I have just released a new version (0.02.54a). This allows you to specify custom timeouts and number of attempts for each test. I am hoping that by upping the timeout of web speed tests or having more than one attempt to connect to more distant nodes some false alerts can be avoided.
There are also some small UI tweaks and bug fixes in .54a as well as the ability to set a custom name (max 64 chars) for each test (thanks to Ole for the suggestion). If this is unset the existing Test Type (Parameter…) will be displayed. This name is also used in alerts.
I am very interested in hearing from any users experiencing problems with false alerts being generated, especially if playing with the timeout/attempts doesn't resolve the problem and as always from any users with other bugs, suggestions or feedback. To get in touch use the top-right feedback link at
Kind Regards,
** For any interested tecchies: The False Alert Problem **
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