I hope this finds you well and the system is proving to be useful for you.
Views are now fully available (version 0.02.71a or later) and complete. They seem to be working well even if the UI is very clunky to set them up. The documentation has also been updated to cover them.
Let me know if you think any other type of information would be useful. For total integration I am now moving slowly toward the idea (no code at all as yet) of a JavaScript API you can pass custom queries to.
2. Website Update
I have made a few small updates to the website. There is better release control and visibility, a news section and an RSS feed. The news summary (and RSS feed) should always show the latest version as the top item for easy updates. There is also a search feature.
The change log (what there is of it) is now available and the publish script now prompts me to log changes so hopefully more information will be logged in future.
3. The Plan - Move to Stable
The current plan is to stabalise everything and add (as the only new big thing) scheduling. Once this is in and stable then I will tidy up and try and release a stable beta and maintainable beta.
I can then start down the road of adding more things without everyone having to basically follow the development tree just to get bug fixes.
As always your comments, suggestions and bugs are very welcome via the feedback page
* Random Fact of the Mail *
As of today the automated feedback system has received feedback from 92 distinct hosts over 28 different countries.
Thanks for using the system and for all your feedback. It is good to know there are people out there using FreeNATS.
Kind Regards,
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