07/06/2008: HTTP and Ping Changes

Following user feedback and suggestion (thanks Ole) there have been a few changes made to the way timing and the HTTP tests (web size and web speed) work.

This will be implemented in version 0.03.00 and later.

Timer Changes
Both the HTTP time and ICMP tests now use a more accurate timer class which will also be used in future time-based tests. The level of accuracy stored historically remains unchanged (4 decimal places) with most tests returning 0.0001 even if the "true" rounding result would be 0.0000.

ICMP Tests
ICMP tests (node ping and remote ping) no longer include the time required to send the ping packet, just the time after transmission and waiting for reception. This will knock around 2-4ms off your ping result times.

It is now also possible to record ICMP results in MilliSeconds (ms - 1000ths of a second) by setting the system variable test.icmp.returnms to 1.

HTTP Tests
Where available (if the function curl_getinfo exists) the HTTP tests will now use the PHP Client URL (CURL) library. This results in much better timings (2-5ms) for web speed tests.

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