23/06/2008: Contributions Welcome

FreeNATS is a still under development system and is shaped by user input.

I would like to thank (again) all the people who have already contributed ideas, bugs, suggestions and time to the system. It has been a great help and (as I hope you can see) directly led to enhancements and fixes.

But if you have not yet grown tired of the system and want to help in the testing or just contribute some technical ideas on how you think the API should come together, offer to write an example ASP handler or anything else then this forum post might interest you.

Or if you are still using the system and think others may find it useful then why not spread the word? The system is now in beta which is probably the most stable it will ever get ;o) After all the more users the higher chance someone else will have come across that massive error (and made me fix it) before you are even bothered by it.

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