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In addition to displaying test history graphs in a view you can include them specifically in your own web pages as simple <img> images.

The only thing you need to know and pass to the graph script is the ID of the test - this is a "class letter" (i.e. L for local-test or N for nodeside test) and a number - for example L26.

This is passed as the variable testid in the URL.


In order for your graphs to be visible to web browsers not authenticated into FreeNATS you need to set the site.graph.public system variable to 1.

You can optionally set the variable site.graph.key to an alphanumeric string. Requests from public browsers must now provide this string in the URL as graphkey. Views will automatically use the graphkey.

This will allow you to use your graphs in unauthenticated environments but obviously also means potentially "exposing" your other graphs.

Reporting Period

You can specify the start and end period of the graph using startx and finishx (which default to 0:00:00 and 23:59:59 respectively if unset). These time values can be specified either as 0 (now), a negative number (number of seconds before now) as as a positive number which is taken as "seconds past the epoch" (unixtime).

For example startx=-3600 would start the reporting period one hour before now.

JavaScript can be used to generate the unixtime (and thus the URL) - a full example is given at the bottom but the following illustrates the use of unixtime in JavaScript: <script type="text/javascript"> var now=new Date(); var unix_ms=now.getTime(); var unixtime=parseInt(unix_ms/1000); var hour_ago=unixtime-(60*60); var day_ago=unixtime-(60*60*24); </script>

Width and Height

Width and height are set with the width and height variables (in pixels), they default to 700 and 150 respectively if unset.

Range Data

The data range (Y axes range) is controllable by the user by passing one or more of the variables rangemin, rangemax or rangemaxmin.

If a range value is unspecified it uses the relevant highest or lowest point in the data set returned for the period.

rangemin specifies the exact minimum (lowest point) of the scale.

rangemax specified the exact maximum (highest point) of the scale. Results higher than rangemax will be drawn going "off the top" of the graph. The alternative, rangemaxmin, specifies the "minimum maximum" of the range i.e. the rangemax will be this unless a higher data point is encountered in which case rangemax will be the highest point.

Drawing Styles

There are three types of output drawn onto the graph, the "spikes", track and "underline".

The spikes (variable draw_spikes 0 or 1 - defaults to 1 if unset) are the vertical bars drawn from the base to the test result in the colour of the alertlevel (green for passed, red for failed etc).

The track (variable draw_track 0 or 1 - defaults to 1 if unset) is the blue (by default - see the colours section below) track line over the top of the sample data.

The underline (variable draw_under 0 or 1 - defaults to 1 if unset) draws a thick line along the bottom axis in the relevant alert level colour. This is to help visibility of failures where the spike etc is often unseen as the result is 0 or negative.

By default the underline is only drawn (if on) for warning or failure levels. Pass results can be included with the variable draw_under_pass (0 or 1 - defaults to 0 if unset).

Titles and Units

A title can be passed in the title variable (if title is unset the value of nodeid will be used if that is set) and will be displayed centered at the top of the graph.

Units can be passed with the units variable and are displayed next to the Y axis under the rangemax figure. Multiple lines are specified with forward slashes (/) so whereas "MilliSeconds" will encroach on the graph area "Milli-/Seconds" will plot over two lines.


Colours can be set by passing "itemcol=colour". The items which are available to be set are bgcol (background colour), txtcol (text colour) and axescol (axes colour).

"Named" colours available for use are black, white, red, blue, green, grey, orange, lightgreen and lightgrey.

For example "bgcol=black" gives a black background.

Defaults are a white background, grey axes and black text.


From 1.14.1 onwards transparency for the background is supported, add a transparency=1 flag and whatever the background colour is set as will be used as a transparent colour within the generated PNG (note anything else using the same colour will also appear transparent).

All graphs can be forced to use transparency (unless overriden in URI with transparency=0) with the system variable site.graph.transparency set to 1. This will then cause views etc to use transparent graphs.

Code Example

<script type="text/javascript">

// Setup FreeNATS
var url='http://somehost/freenats/test.graph.php?testid=L100';

// Set Style

// Set Dates and Times
var now=new Date();
var unix_ms=now.getTime();
var unixtime=parseInt(unix_ms/1000);
var hour_ago=unixtime-(60*60);
var day_ago=unixtime-(60*60*24);

// Last Hour
document.write(' last 60 minutes <br>');
document.write('<img src="'+url+'&startx='+hour_ago+'&finishx='+unixtime+'">');
// or we could have done
document.write('<img src="'+url+'&startx=-3600&finishx=0">');

// Last Day
document.write('<br> last 24 hours <br>');
document.write('<img src="'+url+'&startx='+day_ago+'&finishx='+unixtime+'">');


Output Examples

See the graph output examples for some ideas on how the parameters work.