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Developing Event Handlers

You can put your own PHP scripts containing functions to be called when specific events occur within FreeNATS. Each event handler function takes a single data array parameter containing specific indexed values.

To create an event handler you simple create a PHP file containing one (or more functions), place it in the server/base/site/events directory (all .php files are included from this directory on startup as long as is set to 1) and then register the event handler functions against various event types.

You may also like to see the developing with FreeNATS documentation for some globally available features and information.


System Log (syslog) Example and First Introduction

Console Text Echo Example

Reference Information

Events and Data Types

All data arrays contain

event => the event id (i.e. alert_open)


An alert is opened

nodeid => the node id


An alert is closed

nodeid => the node id


The beginning of a node test sequence

nodeid => the node id
in_schedule => (bool) schedule says to be tested, if false will not actually be tested


The end of a node test sequence

nodeid => the node id
alertlevel => the "highest" alert level of all tests


The start of a localtest (server-side PHP test)

nodeid => the node id
testid => the full (class included) test id
testtype => the test type


The end of a localtest (server-side PHP test)

nodeid => the node id
testid => the test id
testtype => the test type
alertlevel => the alert level of the test


Set alert level for a node

nodeid => the node id
alertlevel => the new (current) alert level
oldalertlevel => the previous alert level


Called when an alert action is flushed with data (for message queue alert actions only). Called when there is something in the message queue and the flush routine has been called.

Must return true to clear the message data - false to leave if you don't want to handle that message queue

aaid => alert action id
name => alert action name
data => alert action data (on different lines)


Nodeside data pull has been called

nodeid => node id
success => (bool) was the pull successful


Nodeside data has been pushed

nodeid => node id


Nodeside processing has been called

nodeid => nodeid
alertlevel => "highest alert level"